May is Membership Month - Special deal for contributors!

The Dominion & Media Co-op are a member driven organization, supported both by our contributor members (you) and by our reader members.

Our reader members make up our financial base, and at the beginning of May we launched our second annual Membership Month funding drive. We'd like your help in building that financial base so we can pay more contributors on a regular basis over the coming months, and we've put together a special deal as an incentive!

We're asking each of our contributors to invite two of your friends to become sustaining members of The Dominion and Media Co-operative by visiting For every new sustainer providing us with $20 per month, their year's contribution will pay for at least two original pieces.

It would be great if you could help us reach our goal of 48 new sustainers by the end of May. As an incentive, every contributor who signs up two new sustainers of $20 or more per month will receive:

Just send the names of the two new sustainers to

Thanks again for your ongoing support!