Chiapas demonstrations against Mariano Abarca's assassination

Dec 9, 2009

Chiapas demonstrations against Mariano Abarca's assassination

Following on the heels of the murder of Mariano Abarca Roblero in Chiapas, an outspoken opponent of Canadian mining company Blackfire, two demonstrations have taken place.

On Thursday a memorial was held at the Canadian embassy in Mexico, and today demonstrators attended the visit of Canadian Governor-General Michaëlle Jean to Chiapas.

Black Mask speaks with Pedro Gonzáles of Otros Mundos Chiapas, who attended the demonstrations, about what took place, about Abarca's murder, and about the history of Canadian mining in Chiapas.

REMA, the organization Abarca worked with, has put out a press release on the subject. (Translated into english by Pedro Gonzáles).

The piece includes part of an interview with Mariano Abarca by Tamara Herman in July 2009.

You can see photos of the demonstrations and more information (If you read spanish) at the Otros Mundos site, and Koman Ilel, including an english urgent action letter on Abarca's behalf.