CKUT: Off the Hour June 1st edition part 1

Jun 5, 2012

CKUT: Off the Hour June 1st edition part 1

Welcome to CKUT's community news program, this is the Friday edition of Off the Hour. Today is June 1st. My name is ______, and I am your host tonight.

On the program this evening, June 1st to 7th marks the Semaine des handicappés in Quebec. Over the course of the next week, members of CKUT's the Avalanche will be bringing you a series of interviews every weekday between 5-6pm on disability justice. Today, Gary Guay will be interviewing Maria Barile from Eco-Access.

As well, we will hear Chab Dai's National Director, Catherine Legault, introducing the actions Chab Dai Canada is under taking in order to fight human trafficking locally, nationally and internationally. Audrey O' Breham also spoke with volunteers who attended the organization's day of action training called Advocacy for Action and gathered their impressions about this workshop and their experience of it.


But first up on tonight's show, we bring you our Red Square Report, the CKUT news collective's ongoing, in-depth coverage of the Quebec student strike. Solidarity actions with the Quebec uprising took place in over 60 cities across Canada this week. CKUT's Mark Brooks was at a rally in Ottawa on tuesday, and filed a report for us. Plus we'll also be joined live in studio by Jaggi Singh from the Anti-Capitalist Convergence, or CLAC. CLAC has put out a call to disrupt the Grand Prix in Montreal in the context of the student strike.

A notice to Montreal police and Jean Charest: Here at CKUT, we are a group of over 50 volunteers. We have not given our plans to the police, and we will not be asking for permission to broadcast this show.


You are listening to Off the Hour - Breaking All Corporate and State Created Sound Barriers on CKUT 90.3 fm in Montreal. To reach Montreal's Community News Collective or to get involved, call 514.448.4041. ext. 6788. Stay tuned. We'll be right back.