Committing to anticolonialism as a parent and educator- Tanya McFadyen

Nov 29, 2012

Committing to anticolonialism as a parent and educator- Tanya McFadyen

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Interview with Tanya McFadyen

This interview is a part of a research work I’m undertaking to see how non indigenous people understand and engage in decolonizing work. View the blog, and all interviews at

Conversations with her grandmother, family reunion research, practices that may or may not be Metis. Talking with kids about colonialism. Teaching new university students about settler colonialism. Scholar responsibilities. Stages of decolonization. What it means to be an ally. Recognizing the colonial mindset. Confronting the education system. Choosing a path, committing to the work. How the impacts of colonialism are growing in visibility, and how this implicates more and more people. Canada as an experiment.

Before I began recording, Tanya mentioned a student that she is working with. This is referenced in the recorded piece.