Getting out of the mind, putting the body into action- David Ball

Dec 1, 2012

Getting out of the mind, putting the body into action- David Ball

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Interview with David Ball

This interview is a part of a research work I’m undertaking to see how non indigenous people understand and engage in decolonizing work. View the blog, and all interviews at


Canada as a project of dispossessing people of land, culture, family. Learning to interact nation to nation, earning respect, learning new ways of being. Kanesetake (the Oka crisis) as a formative moment in watching people defend the land. The importance of starting from the land we are on, learning about the people whose traditional territory we are on. Working as a journalist, and reporting on indigenous issues with respect. Seeing that as Canada critiques human rights issues elsewhere, that we continue to commit abuses here at home; being a resource driven economy while the resources are on indigenous lands. Dinner table screaming matches. Getting out of the mind, and putting the body into action, learning to feel about these issues, and getting off the broken record of repeated mistakes. Softening the heart. Developing a broken heart. Seeing relationships as being all encompassing- mind, body, emotion, intellectual, spiritual; and being celebratory and open to learning. Occupy. Dinner table screaming matches. Some super hero name dropping happens in this interview.