Montreal's Black Community Responds to Ferguson

Nov 26, 2014

Montreal's Black Community Responds to Ferguson

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On Monday, November 24, a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, decided not to criminally indict Darren Wilson, a police officer who shot and killed unarmed Black youth Michael Brown back in August. Protests and riots quickly errupted in Ferguson, a suburb of St-Louis, following the court's decision, and also happened simultaneously in many cities across the US.

On Tuesday night in Montreal, there was a candlelight vigil and protest at the Roddick gates of McGill, organized by the Black Student Network.

To talk about the events, we were joined live now by Will Prosper, a community organizer with Montreal Nord Republik, and an anti-police brutality activist. Prosper has been involved in supporting the family of Fredy Villanueva, an unarmed Latino youth shot dead by the Montreal police in August 2009.

We also heard from Samanthea Samuels, co-president of the Black Student Network at McGill, as well as Kai Thomas, a CKUT producer and member of the Desta Black Youth Network.

Hosted by Aaron Lakoff and Anna Marchese of CKUT