G8/G20 ISU Budgets, MOUs and Org Charts

Jul 30, 2011

G8/G20 ISU Budgets, MOUs and Org Charts

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!

A while ago, someone requested the files outlining the V2010ISU budget, memorandums of understanding for the different bodies in V2010ISU as well as the contracts for the security fence for the Olympics. This was originally done by the Solidarity for Anti-Olympics Arrestees group (SACA), and revealed a lot of information about the Olympics, including an organizational chart that didn't show the V2010ISU-JIG, but showed who their bosses were. Based on the success of this request, I requested the exact same thing for the G20.

I managed to get them, but I got even less information. The information that I did get talked about the budget, as well as who called the shots in Toronto (It was TPS after all, with RCMP leasing officers to them). The major problem with the G8-G20ISU is that the organizational charts are all completely blurry, and it's not clear who's in charge of any of it. I'm asking the RCMP right now for a higher resolution version of the organizational chart, since it's too blurry to be readable, but if I fail at that, I'm going to be filing another complaint with the Information Commissioner.

Also, I recently received a call from the Information Commissioner investigator, and they're currently looking into the refusal of the RCMP to disclose the number of people on the list. I think that I have a persuasive enough case to actually get the number of persons of interest on the secret list. I do also plan on getting the blanked-out Persons of Interest list from the G8-G20ISU if someone else doesn't beat me to it.

Here's the documents. Since they're straight from the RCMP, they have cryptic names, however the documents are fairly straight forward, and have been mostly reported elsewhere:

  • A_1321.PDF - Security Budget for G20 - SHA1SUM: 2f91d50c00bc6040bbe6623d741114035cd1b62f
  • B_1321.PDF - An updated budget, with a list of all the contributing police departments - SHA1SUM: 63eead60a7c4112938962dd6f675c9939b1962d3
  • C_1321.PDF - Key Financial Features for the RCMP at the G8 and G20 Summits - SHA1SUM: 74bc6d6a1660e26dad9d7520a56ebb06ea6fbd70
  • D_1321.PDF - The Memorandum of Understanding between the Toronto Police Service and the RCMP - SHA1SUM: 3d0d1ce14b44e1dcbd969afd3d8317b6b414fa8b
  • E_1321.PDF - The Organizational Chart of the G8/G20 ISU (poor resolution) - SHA1SUM: 94191d138063a776a492587e6888f87e118713ef
  • F_1321.PDF - The contract between the RCMP and Contemporary Security Canada, based out of Vancouver. This is the G20 Fence! - SHA1SUM: e212d16b3341dd07cb05aa67c153e5cd9b6e0924
  • G_1321.PDF - The contract for Huntsville security measures - SHA1SUM: 3108cdb36896ec5c39e2748c956c782d83310cc7
  • H_1321.PDF - The contract for Downtown Toronto Security Fence mending - SHA1SUM: 1b0e0898d6d85aa4eaa37901321cc409fb6541e0