Post Prorogation Note-book

Mar 12, 2010

Post Prorogation Note-book

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After a brief hiatus we’re back! Time for a prorogation post mortem maybe? Well the big fat high from the Olympic opium is wearing off fast. Harsh reality has set in; an austerity budget was introduced by "Jimmy the Lepricon" in these hard times. Let's hope the legendary luck of this Irishman -Finance Minister will create jobs here again. But nope, as I write these words employment is headed to India and China. Canada is now a post-industrialed waste-land . If you don't believe me then ask the people of Oshawa Ont., or the former employees of Nortel they'll tell you. The only thing keeping the country's economy afloat are the tar sands and mining ( here and abroad) and military spending.

Meanwhile, in post - prorogation paradise our great leader has been basking in the glow and grandeur generated from the glory of "his" games. But was the two months' shut down of the House worth all that simulated tinkering, reconfigurating so that our great leader, can proclaim and end to sexist national anthems? Is this what democracy here stands for now, an emasculated version of "O, Canada"?

And our fair “snow queen” has gone south. Her majesty has migrated back to her home in Haiti for Spring break, to possibly consult the local voodoo doctors on when the next prorogation is due. Meanwhile, an utterly lame opposition is too busy stuffing their faces and paunches with seal meat to even attempt to unseat this rogue regime. The "silent coup" which took place during the last prorogation is being consolidated as time goes by. Never the less the legitimacy of this government is dwindling by the day. It is in minority rule mode yet governs like the country, as if it were a single party state like Lybia ( sorry to the nice folks over there for insulting your great leader). There’s on-going utter contempt for the parliament process. Witness our great leader’s "Afgangate" cover up shenanigans. He refuses to provide parliament with documents which are likely to further implicate him, as being knowingly complicit in the handover of Taliban prisoners to the local Afghan Gestapo- SS men . So far, this government has not been unseated. If democracy rule is to be resorted and full sovereignty of parliament reclaimed then this regime must go. I leave you for now with some words from a far more erudite and eloquent fellow than myself. Brain Marlett writes in his piece "Does Democratic Reform begin by reconsidering the prime minister’s prerogatives” which appeared on the “Vancouver Examiner” on line site:

“… no prime minister before Stephen Harper has made power so personal, so diminished even Cabinet as to call its significance into question, so little respected the notion that in our parliamentary democracy the prime minister, cabinet, and government are responsible to parliament, so frequently acted as if he does not understand that a minority government does not have a majority mandate, or so readily interpreted the privileges of office as if they are personal prerogatives.

”And therein may lie his downfall.

The period of the prorogation and the rallies organized by ordinary citizens, particularly by Canadians against the Prorogation of Parliament, suggests that a hunger for political engagement exists and with it a respect for our institutions even though it is also clear that they are not always well understood.

If through a sense of entitlement and a belief that party leadership in a minority government can render the principle of responsible government moot if political expedience and opportunity allow, then the process of parliamentary democratic reform may begin in this new session by reconsidering the powers of the prime minister.”