Why honoring OUR Forefathers treaties IS important!

Jan 18, 2013

Why honoring OUR Forefathers treaties IS important!

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Something missed by me earlier until I listened intently to what an elder of the First Nations community stated, clearly with words of this meaning if I’m correct;


“We welcomed the settlers to sit with us in a ceremonial circle, passed the Peace Pipe to them and we all smoked sacred tobacco with them, then signed the treaties in good conscience and with honor” …


Now what I was given to realize ‘finally’ which made better sense to me was not only how but more importantly ‘why’ they “The Indians” as the Europeans called these wise and honorable First Nation Forefathers did that…


For Peace!

And again; why?

When they outnumbered the ‘Whites’ as they have become known, by thousands to one.

… Because …  it was the ‘wise and honorable’ thing to do in their great vision, they had fought and warred and won most battles with the settlers, yet still chose peaceful resolution, and shared their great wisdom about the land they were ‘stewards of’.

Truthfully that was dignified spiritually guided leadership of their tribes, expecting reciprocation in kind but it was not to be, oh not of their doing, just sly underhanded trickery by the settlers.

Meanwhile, as it has proven to be the other signator, the settlers …turned out ‘spoke with a forked tongue’ and set about to ‘cheat, lie, and cleverly’ adjust every circumstance possible away from the ‘intent’ and honor of the ‘inclusionary circle’.

The ‘talking stick’ of the sacred circle was never honored by the whites and so having fair input vanished from the meetings and ‘no talk rules’ as laws and stockades (early jails) were implemented instead.

Gone was the ‘Healing Circle’ and going with it went forgiveness and spiritual growth, instead punishment was the ‘reward’ for being honest to themselves and in defense of their forefathers ‘treaties’ and provisional agreement to the intended peace full shared co-existence.


As the First Nations were ravaged by the “White Mans” diseases as well as many more of them arriving by boat, the numbers started to tip in the “Settlers” favor and armed with better weapons and strategically built forts they stilled the first “Idle No More” uprisings with mass murder on any attack of the fortified oppressors.


Continuing on with what we almost all know about, the segregation of them into ever shrinking ‘reserved lands’ taking their children away to ‘educate’ them in horrible abuse in residential Catholic schools by ‘hypocritical evil men and women’ under the guise of Christianity. Just more evil lies stacked upon deceit but compounded by spiritual and malicious sexual abuse there then also.


Returning the spiritually wounded PTS victims to live within the confines of the ‘internment camps’ called ‘reservations’ and suppressing them financially while raping their land figuratively as much as the people.


Changing the parliamentary laws at will to ‘legally justify’ this never did make it right, just indefensible.


Fast forward to the more recent past and up to the present. As the undaunted and spiritually inspired offspring of these ‘once proud people’ regained their dignity and proved they were in every way capable of the ‘whites’ resolve and capacity.


But now with better education they are proving them selves ever capable of equal reasoning and debating in the law courts, so the honorable ‘legal claw back’ of their rightful ‘shared existence in peace’, threatened.


Along with the objective ‘intention’ restored which those by now long previous First Nation Visionary forefathers had enshrined in their side of the treaties, in ceremony, drumming and dance.


Plus the honorable basis on which their original chiefs ‘welcome’ had been justified to their elders and people, was not proving reciprocal and were about to be challenged in the law courts.


So the laws were just ‘going’ to ‘have to change again’ as viewed by the current ‘group of oppressors’ and which threatened to make all of that fruitless.


So the ‘straw which broke’ the deal and threatened a mass sell-off of the “Original Canadians’ ancestral hereditary land/water and mineral rights, spawned the ‘Idle No More’ uprising.

Thank God. Such as you perceive him to be

There must be many more like me who have relatives and ties to both sides in this looming revolution/war and are horrified at the prospect of a Canadian ‘Civil War’ within the land we call ‘home’ which the lies and exaggeration on both sides are fueling yet few take a stand for “Peace”. Why?


Is it all because we seem to forget that acceptance of ‘guilt along with penance and fair restitution’ is the base cost of “Problem Resolution” which if you don’t know is the only avenue to re-establishing a preserve able continuing peace, but would rather just ‘wash their hands’ of true responsibility, here?


Wake up people, ‘it’s head out of the sand’ time, … Come on it’s not that hard, I obviously did, however with that now comes the responsibility for me also for my action or inaction in this as it should be.

So for me I must insist the First Nation Forefathers had it right, and dead on;

- Bringing back the ‘talking stick’ (listen to each other and not shut each other out, rather hear each other out with the focused intent of understanding, knowing now that I’ll too have my say, when the ‘talking stick is in my hand’)


- Joining in on the ‘healing circle’ (Accept only true and real penance for wrongs inflicted, along with restitution in order to re-establish the same reference to spiritual honor for all of us),


- And most of all bring with me ‘honorable intent’ (no sly trickery, smoke and mirrors, cheating, lying or minimizing/exaggeration allowed!)


Along with not losing sight of my responsibly; as a mature adult to my children and grandchildren, all future generations (for 7 generations has been the established standard of our First Nation Forefathers).


And truly value each other as human beings, and the land we inherited or were welcomed to, whichever,


My Higher Power insists he gave me the ‘tools’ and will ultimately expect for me to have used them, and he will ask, and I will answer like it or not!

It is not the easy way out; rather it is the honorable way in.

It will take hard work to regain our balance but the ensuing peace will be worth every bit of it and then some. Most of all our offspring, will honor us in this and preserve our Peace knowing we cared enough to commit to good sense and honor “Worthy” treatment of each other.


As a hero of mine put it;

‘I’m not trying to counsel any of you to do anything;

Really special,

Except – dare – to – think.

And to dare to go with the truth.

And to dare to really love completely.’

Buckminster Fuller



Willy Ens.

(Original Posting)
