Atlantica Resiste

The Artist-activists at the Beehive Collective and NSPIRG bring you...Atlantica Resiste! - The struggle of visersity vs. homogenization in the Americas.

Over the past four years the Beehive Collective has been creating "Mesoamerica Resiste!" the final graphic in our globalization trilogy. This graphic takes a critical look at Project Mesoamerica (formerly "Plan Puebla Panama")- a development plan designed to facilitate the exploitation of resources by corporate interests in Central America, and transform much of its land to create more "efficient" trade routes for global markets. Here on the North Atlantic seaboard, an equivalent plan for resource extraction and disempowerment of local governments known simply as Atlantica is underway.

The Mesoamerica Resiste! graphic, while telling the story of resource extraction, militarization, and (under)development in Latin America, is strikingly relevant to the fight for local land control here in Northeastern United States and Atlantic Canada. Using these graphics as a springboard for discussion and information sharing, the beehive collective works to analyze and dismantle the forces at work in our capitalist society through a metaphorical lens of stories from the natural world. We'll draw clear connections between the colonial history of the Western Hemisphere and contemporary patterns of corporate globalization, violence, and racism. The Halifax event will include a discussion about diverse ways to support local struggles and how it's all related.