Edmonton Launch of the G8/20 Special Issue

One month from now, from June 25 – 27, 2010 Canada will play host to back-to-back summits bringing together the leaders of two of the most powerful groupings in the world: the G8 (on June 25 and 26 in Hunstville, Ontario) and the G20 (on June 26 and 27 in Toronto, Ontario).

The decisions made behind closed doors over three days in June by these two exclusive groups, which have self-appointed themselves to be the leaders of global governance and the global economy, will have wide-ranging impacts on the more than six billion people who haven’t been invited to the meetings.

The Government of Canada has already spent $1.1 billion on the summits, including an unprecedented $933 million on security preparations alone, which has included harassment of activists in Toronto, the purchase of sonic weapons and plans to erect a security zone five blocks by five blocks in the heart of downtown Toronto. Despite all this, activists from around the world will converge on Toronto and hold solidarity actions in their own communities at the end of June to challenge the G8/G20.

Come learn about who they are, what they do, and why it matters.

This event is also the official Edmonton launch of the Dominion Media Co-op's G8/G20 special issue, and copies will be available by donation.


Walden Bello, senior analyst of Focus on the Global South and Akbayan Representative in the 14th Congress of Republic of the Philippines (via Skype)

Leah Henderson, organizer with the Toronto Community Mobilization Network (via Skype)

Scott Harris, Prairie Regional Organizer, Council of Canadians

Other local speakers TBA

For background on the G8/G20 visit:

Toronto Community Mobilization Network: attacktheroots.net
Council of Canadians: canadians.org/g20
The Dominion: dominionpaper.ca/g20
Read an interview with Walden Bello on the G20: http://bit.ly/walden2009

Venue map: http://www.business.ualberta.ca/en/AboutUs/Maps/BusinessBuilding.aspx