Demonstration at the International Economic Forum of the Americas - Conference of Montreal

 Demonstration of the Coalition opposed to the privatization of Public Services (Coalition opposée à la tarification et à la privatisation des services publics) on June 7th at 11:30.

The economic and political elite will be meeting at the Montreal Conference on June 7th-10th at the Hilton Hotel (Bonaventure metro). Also present is the FMI, a major actor in the erosion of public services around the world for many years now.

Jean Charest will be there as the honorary president of the opening brunch-conference titled "Are we engaged in a durable recovery ?". Speakers include Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada; Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Paul Desmarais Jr., chairman and co-chief executive officer of Power Corporation.

The Coalition opposed to the privatization of Public Services invites you to join them in telling Jean Charest that we do not accept his neo-liberal policies, including all the regressive and impoverishing items of his last budget. There are other solutions to the "crisis" of public finances and we know them. The Coalition proposes to introduce an equitable and fair tax system, and to get the money we need where it lies: right in the pockets of the rich and the big business.