October 12th: Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

Sep 17, 2010

October 12th: Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!

In 2009, indigenous peoples called for a global mobilization ‘in defence of mother earth’ on October 12, reclaiming what used to be ‘Columbus Day’. In response, Climate Justice Action is inviting activists across the world to join a day of direct action for climate justice on October 12, 2010.

The climate crisis has reached a new level. The 2009 UNFCCC Copenhagen Climate Conference (COP15) was a complete failure, and 'our world leaders' are refusing to work together towards real solutions to the climate crisis.

The insanity of such inaction is becoming more and more obvious as extreme global climate catastrophes become more frequent. Right now an estimated 18.7 million Pakistanis are affected by the worst floods in Pakistan’s history. Just last month in Moscow, gas masks were worn on the streets and in homes as a result of the poisoned air caused by fires, pollution and the highest recorded temperatures in the country’s history. This is, of course, in addition to the ongoing environmental exploitation that severely threatens the livelihoods of the global south and all indigenous communities.

However, worldwide activists, organizations and many others are not just standing by. Indigenous communities experiencing climate change catastrophes and all people who care for the health and well being of the rights of Mother Earth are taking the lead towards real change.

We know the fight for climate justice is challenging, but our successes are many and we are building strength! In the last year alone we have seen a series of mobilizations that have turned off production at coal factories, occupied spaces planned for airport construction, dropped banners from sky high locations, held fierce massive public rallies, marches and demonstrations, and numerous more actions.

In an effort to reclaim the day that has traditionally been imposed as ‘Columbus Day,’ indigenous peoples around the world have called for a global mobilization ‘in defence of Mother Earth’. Climate Justice Action has taken up this call and is proposing a global day of direct action for climate justice on October 12, 2010. CJA is not picking specific targets or actions, but is rather calling for all of us to engage, plan and take direct action on this day.

If you are already prepared to take action, let us know what you’re planning by sending an email to us. If you haven’t started there’s still time. Mobilize and plan an action in your city, town or village. Don’t forget to film it and take photos and send them to CJA so we can show off our global force!

There is power in numbers and together we can achieve system change not climate change!

[Here is a Facebook version of this action call-out]


Other Important News:

The COP 16 will be held in Cancun Mexico this December. It is another attempt for governments to make a binding legal agreement that can work towards solving climate change. However, after the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference many climate justice communities have lost all trust in such negotiating processes. Instead we are ready to make the move towards real climate solutions from the ground up!

In response to the COP16, La Via Campesina invites people’s movements around the world to mobilize in order to create 1,000 Cancuns: ‘We call on social movements, popular organizations and all people of the world to organize thousands of protests and actions to reject the false and market solutions.’ For more information see: www.viacampesina.org/en


About Climate Justice Action (CJA):

CJA is a transnational non-hierarchical direct action network that serves as a resource base for exchange of experiences and seeks to connect and give visibility to (localized) struggles in order to be a tool for movement building. We consider ourselves part of the broader movements for climate and social justice. Anyone agreeing to and acting in accordance with our aims and principles can be part of the CJA network. CJA commits to having regular electronic and face-to-face organizational and strategy meetings to link our struggles—all are invited to become an active part to the process!

Are you or your organization interested in becoming part of the CJA network? If yes, check out our website (www.climate-justice-action.org). Tell us about your organization, climate struggles, successes and goals. Send us an email (info@climate-justice-action.org).