Candidates for the Media Co-op Board of Directors

Aug 1, 2011

Candidates for the Media Co-op Board of Directors

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!

Nominations for Editor Members (Two people to be elected)

Tim McSorley

I would like to nominate Tim McSorley to the Board of Directors of the Media Co-op. Mainly because as things are, he doesn't work nearly hard enough, and I think that he really needs more on his plate. No, seriously, Tim is obviously part of the connective tissue that makes the Media Co-op work, he puts in an incredible amount of time in on the project, plus he has board experience through other organizing and student politics. I think he'd be a great candidate for the board.

Dru Oja Jay

Hi. I'm a founding member of the Dominion and Media Co-op, and have been involved in the project since 2003. I'm finishing up my first three year term as a board member representing editors and staff. During its first three years of existence, the Media Co-op has undergone explosive growth, from zero members to 600, from no locals to locals in four cities. I've been intimately involved in developing the web site, organizing strategies for coverage and fundraising, and developing our organizational structure. In the next three years, the Media Co-op will be facing many new challenges. How will we strike a balance between network-wide cooperation and local autonomy? Between developing new locals and supporting existing ones? How will we maintain and enhance our democratic practices with an ever-expanding membership? These are questions that I'm passionate about finding answers to that address the concerns and needs of everyone who has a stake in the co-op. If elected, I'll work to ensure that the board plays a role in developing decisionmaking structures that give everyone a voice, and continue our innovative contributions to the practice of participatory media democracy.

Dawn Paley

I would like to nominate Dawn Paley as an Editor member of the board of directors. A previous Dominion staff person and current editorial collective member, Dawn has poured countless hours of work - mostly volunteer - into The Dominion, but especially into the development of the Vancouver Media Co-op and the Media Co-op network as a whole. An experienced journalist, she has seen how the organization operates from every angle and her energy & knowledge would be a significant asset to our Board of Directors, especially in a year where we will be undertaking significant changes in our structure and operations. I hope that the members chose to elect her to our board.

Nomination for Contributor Member (One person to be elected)

Nat Gray

My name is Nat Gray, and I'm a former member of the Dominion editorial collective and contributor to the Montreal and Vancouver Media Co-ops. I'm also a poet, and an anti-police-brutality enviro-queer. As a volunteer with the Media Co-op and as paid staff, I've been involved in writing, editing, membership consultations, community outreach, and conflict resolution processes. I'm running for the Media Co-op Board of Directors' Contributor Member, with a vision of working toward the co-operative's long-term sustainability in three main areas:

-the growth of the co-operative through community outreach

-the creation of structures to more fully engage co-op members as active participants, and more fully support paid staff

-the improvement of conflict resolution structures, with a focus on restorative justice and our anti-oppression mandate

Given my multi-faceted experiences as a reader, a writer, and an editor member of the Media Co-op, and my contagious enthusiasm for member-run radical media, I would love the opportunity to earn your support in becoming the Contributor Member of the Media Co-op Board of Directors.

Nomination for Reader Member (One person to be elected)

Sharmeen Khan

My name is Sharmeen Khan and I am a Toronto-based organizer and media activist. I have spent the last few months as the interim reader board member and am excited to put in an application for this years election. 

I am currently a staff person at OPIRG York and program at CHRY 105.5FM at York University. The Dominion and Media Co-op have been vital in my work as a media activist and as an avid reader, hope to bridge the Dominion with community radio stations in a stronger way. I was equity officer for the National Community Radio Association for two years. Currently, I am editor with Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action

The skills and experience i bring to thing position is close to ten years of bookkeeping and financial management in grassroots organizations including community radio stations. In addition, I have an interest in board and organization development through fundraising, outreach and promotion. In the last few months I have been active in hiring committees and helping with the AGM. From this work I hope to work on equity and anti-oppression policies for the Dominion and Media Co-op. 

Daniel Simeone

As a reader of the various online and print editions of the Dominion, I am  interested in ensuring that the Dominion and the Media-Coops continue as  going concern, and I look forward to sharing my experience in non-profit management with the Dominion to that end. I have several years experience budgeting, managing, and dealing with legal and personnel issues for a multi-million dollar student union, and am well versed in corporate law. As a member of a union bargaining
committee, I helped to negotiate (in both French and Engiish) a collective agreement for McGill teaching assistants, and have a broad familiarity with (Quebec) labour law. Both of these experiences have given me insight into group behaviour, and good governance of non-profits. I am excited by the critical coverage that the Dominion produces, and look forward to helping make sure it can continue.

In my professional life, I am PhD student in Canadian history at McGill University in Montreal, examining capitalism in 19th century Canada, particularly through instruments of credit, debt, and capitalist failure. It is my (perhaps naive) hope that a more complete understanding of the foundations of Canadian capitalism can help us to understand the present system.