Vancouver Resists Neo-Nazism

Mar 22, 2010

Vancouver Resists Neo-Nazism

300 people gathered at Braid skytrain station on March 21 in solidarity with the International Day for the Elimination of Racism.

"We're here to help end racism, in solidarity with those who died in South Africa in 1960 fighting the apartheid there," a masked anarchist explained.

Groups present in the action included among others, Anti-Racist Action, the Anti-Poverty Committee, Progressive Cultural Centre, No One Is Illegal and the Communist Party of Canada.

Also on the day's objectives was to confront a rumoured neo-Nazi rally that was to begin at the same station.

"Those boneheads will not being holding a hate rally in my town," said an adamant masked Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) activist.

The Anarchist contingent made up the front line confronting any white supremacists. Only one real confrontation occurred involving two persons who spat on the anti-racism banner, but quickly ran on-board a departing skytrain.

Rally organizers called it a resounding success, and continued their demonstration downtown at the Vancouver Art Gallery, where they chased off a further three neo-Nazis.