Al Jazeera English - A global South perspective on world affairs

Feb 5, 2011

Al Jazeera English - A global South perspective on world affairs

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!


With events unfolding in Egypt and other nations in the Arab world, many are seeking new perspectives and more in-depth analyses. I have come to see CBC and BBC world as jingoistic stations, where graphics and sounds, and star talking heads, dominate the air waves. Current events are complicated, rooted in long and twisted national histories. Let's face it, making sense of it all requires time and attention. It also requires access to substantive reporting that is difficult to mount in a 45-second clip.

This week I have discovered Al Jazeera English, the Doha-based broadcaster that has for explicit mandate to cover the world, with a distinct perspective/view from the South. The organization can count on vast and growing network of almost 70 foreign bureaus, many in cities that our Northern broadcasters would have trouble putting on a map.  

The station employs not only well-known and experienced reporters from the West, but a contingent of young and talented reporters from around the world. I believe the result is the most refreshing thing I have seen on TV for years. 

I wonder if others feel the same and how many in the Media coop community have had an opportunity to acquaint themselves with Al Jazeera English. 

The station is now available in free preview for Rogers subscribers in Ontario. It is located on channel 176. It's an opportunity to watch a good number of excellent documentaries on countries/topics that are of great significance, but alas too often neglected by our first world-centric media.