Mass Junket To Israel

Jan 20, 2014

Mass Junket To Israel

This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!
Most of Stephen Harpers 208 guests staying in Israel at Canadian tax-payers expense from  Jan 19-22 this year are representatives of various Jewish 'foundations' and community groups, pro-Israeli lobby groups and the like. 

Many of them are private businesses and some of them appear to be there simply because they are friends of Stephen Harper, including Marven Levant, 'researcher', employed by 'self', who, aside from being the father of Sun 'journalist' Ezra Levant, was also widely known as being one of the doctors who waged a lobbying campaign against chiropractors in Alberta. Also included is former Reform Party Leader and later Harper cabinet member Stockwell Day and his wife Valerie, employed by 'Stockwell Day Connex LTD', which seems to be a fancy way of saying 'self', but with a registered company attached. 

The list, generously published on January 19th on ScribD, has this and possibly other gems to be explored.