Mugabe Taking Zimbabwe Back For Zimbabweans

Jul 5, 2014

Mugabe Taking Zimbabwe Back For Zimbabweans

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Today the wealthy elites and their media, who call themselves 'the international community', are outraged at the actions of Zimbabwe's leader Mugabe, who is now taking land away from European settlers and foreign owners and redistributing it to the descendants of those it was stolen from by colonial administrators prior to Zimbabwe's being 'granted' what has ultimately been a merely symbolic 'independence' from the UK in 1980 after 14 years as an unrecognised state under a white supremecist apartheid dicatorship who ruled the country under the name 'Rhodesia'.

British colonial administrators there once decided blacks shouldn't own any of the good farm land, that's why white farmers have all the best land there now, and are exporting food while people starve on land that was taken away from the original owners at gun point. 

As long as the massive land giveaways and resource contracts and such signed by colonial governments are still being enforced, colonialism is still happening. It's not just the land, it's everything else in Africa, like the one company,  DeBeers, 'legally owning' all the diamonds in Africa for the last several decades before selling their shares to Anglo-American PLC, with UN 'peacekeepers' assigned the noble task of preventing Africans from 'stealing' them, and the whole 'blood diamond' myth that diamonds not from mines controlled by DeBeers is somehow unethical or 'fuelling conflict'. 

Africa isn't poor. Africa is being looted by parasitic western elites. DeBeers and western owned agribusiness monopolies are robbing Africa blind while western countries pretend Africa is 'poor' and needs western 'charity' or 'development aid'. 

They don't. They need guys like Mugabe.


BBC News, Mugabe Tells White Farmers 'To Go', July 3, 2014: 

Business Insider History Of DeBeers, Dec. 19, 2011: 

History Today, September 1990, Rhodedia's War Of Independence:

New York Times, July 21, 2012, In Zimbabwean Land Takeover, A Golden Lining?