Why Did National Post Drop A Journalist For Attempting To Cover Mansbridge NDA Payouts?

Jan 14, 2018

Why Did National Post Drop A Journalist For Attempting To Cover Mansbridge NDA Payouts?

Journalist Tried To Investigate CBC's Possible Hush Money To Peter Mansbridge's Ex-Girlfriends
This post has not been approved by Media Co-op editors!
The Peter Mansbridge 'sex scandal' story isn't that interesting in and of itself. It is not a #metoo story, the relationships are, from all accounts, consensual. 
What caught the attention of National Post writer James DiFiore was evidence of non-disclosure agreements (NDA)s for multiple women who had relationships with Peter Mansbridge for which CBC paid, with public funds, for the women to agree to remain silent. For attempting to cover the story, DiFiore was let go from National Post. 
It is a strange case that has virtually no 'media' coverage, but also has extensive coverage on social media. Major media outlets including The National Post and Toronto Star have refused stories due to threats from CBC for attempting to cover the story. 
If CBC had not paid the hush money, there wouldn't even be a story to begin with.
If they had let the story of the NDAs be told, it would have been a minor story with little importance.


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