Vancouver 2010 Olympics : Torch Relay / Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminated

Feb 17, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Olympics : Torch Relay / Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminated

**Adult Language**

We Are Change Vancouver 2010 Olympics : Olympic Torch Run aka UN-Welcoming Arnold Schwarzenegger

Although we certainly don't support the costs of these Games we will try and remain unbiased and independent. We are making an exception in this case.
There has already been some amazing moments,story's and tragedy in the first few days.
We don't support Vancouver Olympic Committee's decision to bend the Olympic Torch Relay rules by inviting Arnold Schwarzenegger . Today Show: Host Matt Lauer, was no problem.
Regardless of Premiere Campbell's poor decision to invite a steroid monkey here in the first place ,
Vanoc could have invited Donavan Bailey, our legendary sprinter, instead they snubbed him for this clown.
The Governor's media machine can't hide his sordid past of steroid abuse,sexually harassment ,racism against fellow athletes, and his nazi associating with and campaigning for Former SS officer Kurt Wilheim.
Many of us have family members that fought and died fighting Nazi's , Arnold's views disgrace their service.
(We don't hate you Arnold, we just need to protect ourselves from the monSSter inside you and remind it to stay away.)

"My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it... People need somebody to watch over them... Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave."

Arnold Schwarzenegger
U.S. News & World Report, November 26, 1990

Democracy Now


The son of an SS nazi officer,
Schwarzenegger has publicly stated that
he has dreamed of being a dictator and that he
admires Hitler. He campaigned for war criminal
Kurt Waldhiem after it had been made public that he
was a top nazi.

The stories of Arnold's barbaric harrassment of women are
legendary. He publicly admits to a heavy history of steroid abuse.