Posts by admin

The long fight to keep cops off Greek university campuses

Just before COVID-19, a mass movement was challenging Greece's repeal of its asylum law banning police from university campuses
What is happening with the university asylum law in Greece?

The students were not surprised to see the riot police, but their presence on the grounds of the Athens University of Economics and Business was certainly provoca

Rent Strikes! “We Refuse to Shoulder this Burden for Capitalists”

Some tenants are organizing their buildings and beyond for rent strikes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

As April 1st looms, tenants across Canada are wondering how they will scrounge rent amidst the financial and health pressures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many members of the working class are experiencing lay-offs, job losses, and economic fall-out throughout the month of March.

Artists were financially under-supported before COVID-19. Now making ends meet is even harder

"This really is the time to support your artist friends who are struggling"

As the COVID-19 pandemic grips Canada, new rules that attempt to “flatten the curve” by limiting gatherings, shuttering theatres, clubs, and restaurants, and cancelling festivals have made it hard to make ends meet financially for many artists and others in arts communities.
