Posts by admin

With Wet'suwet'en, Media Has to Move Beyond Colonially-Constructed False Dichotomies

The real issue is what Canada is doing to place Band Councils and Traditional Governments at odds with one another
The Wet’suwet’en hereditary Chiefs’ and their citizen’s stand on the matter of the LNG pipeline through their territory has many Canadians reading and watching the news. Some people are awakening as they learn about the complex issues related to Indigenous jurisdiction and how it is that First Nation band councils’ interests must not be allowed to trump over traditional Indigenous people who, against all odds, continue to assert their rights through traditional governance systems.

Unmasking Trudeau’s Redface: The Liberal Government’s White Paper 2.0 Leads Us On a Path of Termination

Russ Diabo

For the past four years the Trudeau government has operated in secret, using public relations techniques to hide from our First Nation Peoples, the media and the public its real intentions about their renewed federal-First Nations Termination Plan.


Much of their rhetoric sounds nice, but you have to put the Trudeau government’s Special Words and Tactic
