Posts by Tim McSorley

Make climate justice look hot! Help illustrate The Dominion’s next special issue

Following on our call for story ideas, we're looking for designers, illustrators and artists of all stripes to join the Climate Justice special issue editorial collective to help spice it up and create thoughtful images and design to compliment and enhance the upcoming issu... Read on for more info:

Dear illustrators, photographers and artists:

Special Issue 2011: What do you want covered?

Have you ever dreamed of setting the agenda at a national news outlet?

Ever bemoaned the fact the mainstream press - or even independent media - don't dig far enough into that one topic you think more folks need to know about?

Well here's your chance: We've launched a call for proposals for the next special issue of The Dominion.

Friday round-up

A few interesting reads today:

Andrew Nikiforuk on deformed fish,  the "smoking gun" of pollution in the Athabasca river, in The Tyee.

Montreal man latest to be stopped in continuing G20 arrests

MONTREAL—Police continue to make arrests in relation to June's G20 protests in Toronto.

The latest is 28-year-old Montreal resident Juan Lepore, who appeared in a Toronto court this morning on charges of mischief exceeding $5000, mischief endangering life, and assault.
